As some of you may know, I have been on a quest the past few years to be less materialistic. I have my good days and my bad days, but mostly good days. Unfortunately, I still spend entirely too much money on my hair and makeup. Baby steps, right?
Well, what is it about an airport that makes me want to spend exuberant amounts of money? I can go to COEX, one of the biggest malls in the world, and not spend a penny (umm...i mean, won), but put me in an airport, and suddenly i cant live without a cashmere pasmina, Chanel handbag, and tacky souvenirs galore. In today's particular case, the call of souvenirs before boarding my plane was particularly sad because I LIVE IN KOREA. I'm quite certain that i can live without a Korean Hello Kitty.
And don't even get me started on the duty free shopping magazine on the plane. At the moment, I'm stuck above the clouds, full of xanax, and you give me a yet another chance to purchase designer goods??? Of course, being a Korean airline, 99% of the items are makeup/beauty products. UGH...It's a cold cruel world, indeed. At least this is a zenful, makeup-free vacation.
Thus far, the flight has been very smooth and relaxing. I was hoping to sleep the entire flight, but two hours in, it has yet to happen. I have had 4mg of xanax (I think...haha) and a glass of wine, so i should be dead or passed out, but, instead, i am just relaxed and happy.
Yes. I know I broke my "no wine" rule because this is an alcohol free trip, but it was a very small amount, and i would much rather be comatose or dead if this plane goes down. (Just being honest, people!) I know it sounds crazy, but I love to travel. I have been to more than 10 countries, and I refuse to let a stupid fear of flying stop me from seeing at least 10 more!
I know the monks and yogis at the resort are going to try to convince me to fly back to Korea unmedicated, but we shall cross that bridge on Saturday. Who knows, maybe the meditation will be extremely beneficial in calming my anxieties. Let's face it. Stranger things have happened.
Speaking of strange, I've actually been on a movie kick. I watched two entire movies, two nights in a row (This is the part where my close friends gasp in disbelief). I REALLY hope I don't have to watch a lame Korean film on this flight. (Thanks again to all my friends who FORCED me to watch Ninja Assassin.) Maybe I'll be asleep and it wont matter.
Completely off topic...I watched Inglorious Basterds last night, and I was completely hooked by the end of the opening scene. Brad Pitt's character was phenomenal. His voice in the film is now my interal monologue. I cant turn it off. (You probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-takin' business. We in the killin' Nazi business. And, cousin, business is a-boomin')
AND I am adopting a puppy when i return on Saturday. She is a beautiful black and brown dachshund, named Bear. To me, she will forever be known as The Bear Jew! (Watch the movie, I'm not explaining.)
Now, everyone is doing their Sky high Duty Free shopping, and I am showing complete restraint. I have seriously never witnessed so much in flight shopping. Koreans do love a deal on makeup, but who ever just sprayed her newly purchased perfume might experience the wrath of Swilley. We are in an airtight contraption, for god's sake!
OK. I will try to get some rest and, hopefully, wake up in paradise!
Nighter Facers!!! (that was for you, Dar)
Good news, I took a two hour nap, but I still have two more hours to go. I woke up at one point and saw the in flight movie on the screen. It was an American film, but not one I recognized. I did notice the main actress from High School Musical, but that is all I can tell you. But then again, i am completely ignorant to all American films and music released in the last 10 months.
In lieu of sleep, I will now read more of the latest Laurell K Hamilton novel (I just love her) and perhaps it will lead to more zzzzz's.
Sleeping has become a massive fail, so I am enjoying my third glass of ginger ale. I never drink it on the ground, but in the sky, for some odd reason, I drink it like its my job. I always have. Seriously, the first time I flew when was around 10, give or take a few years, I asked for ginger ale. I don't think I had tasted ginger ale before, so don't ask why I requested it. Maybe I thought it sounded like a classy drink. Anyway, years later, I have yet to board a plane without drinking ginger ale. And thats #1,384 on the list of "Weird Swilley Facts."
Also, I keep listening to "One Night in Bangkok" on my Ipod, and it is getting me pumped! I love traveling alone. It is so empowering!
See you in Thailand!