Do you remember growing up and hearing "Become a nurse or a teacher, and you will always have a job?" Was that just a cruel joke or social experiment? Yes! Let's talk our young, innocent children into high stress, low paying jobs for Ss and Gs.
Well here I am 28 years later, seeking desperately for a teaching job in Sunny California. Had I known the economy's proverbial bottom was going to fall out, I might have stayed at my perfect teaching job in Mississippi....Oh how I miss it...sniffle...excuse me, but I'm a little verkempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. "The Thigh master is neither a thigh nor a master." Discuss.
Ok. I'm better.
There is only one drawback to having known that my teaching job in California would fall through. I would still be in Mississippi. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just would like to live as many places as possible in life, and there is never any sense in delaying the pursuit of one's dreams.
So here I am in one of my favorite places on earth, Southern California, where in the last few months I have had over 500 differents jobs! Ok, so maybe I am exaggerating, but I have been everything from a MaryKay Salesperson (ick) to a Dog Sitter (double ick), just knowing any day I would be teaching again...tick, tock, tick, tock....
Did I mention I have sold all of my designer purses on ebay? Now THAT is an economic crisis!
Sorry, I got offtrack...Well you know the old saying. When God closes one door, another door opens. He opened a door a few month back, but I decided it best to attempt to unsuccessfully dead bolt the new door, and trick to pick the pre-existing door's lock...Maybe I should have called the French guy that popped my car's lock a few weeks ago.
Regardless, here I am with my door that won't stay closed and my door that won't unlock. (Now, Keni, these are metaphorical doors...I don't want you to get confused.) No one has ever accused me of being stubborn. No, sir. Not me. But maybe I should have embraced the new door sooner. Because as soon as I did, three jobs practically fell into my lap. These new jobs, however, were in Japan, China, and South Korea. I'll give you a minute to reread that last sentence...
I did lots of praying, research, and chocolate eating before finally deciding on South Korea. I will be leaving next month for a year to teach English to elementary school students (www.dayelinworld.com). No, I don't not know any Korean. How is that going to work? I haven't the slightest idea, but apparently it works.
I will be using this blog to give updates to anyone who is interested. Please feel free to comment and come see me in South Korea!